Reviews for Jamison Basement Waterproofing

  • Comment: We have had a water problem in the basement that has gotten progressively worse over the past 10 years. The water inflow was unbelievable. It FLOODED our basement and we had non-stop problems and with our old sump pump, after a torrential rain would have 8 gallons every 13 seconds--that's right, 36 gallons of water coming in a minute from hydrostatic pressure. It sounds corny, but we thought we would never get it under control and were at wits end. A friend who is a contractor did research, and said Jamison was the only company to use. Long(er) story short(er), we had JBW come out and waterproof the trouble rooms. We had torrential rain for the first time since installation, and this is the FIRST TIME IN 25 YEARS THE BASEMENT HAS BEEN DRY. Not one drop of water. Needless to say, this was the smartest thing we have done for the house, and wish we had learned about JBW a long time ago. You won't go wrong with this company.
  • Overall Rating

iBasement Systems & Crawl Space Systems Certificates in the Philadelphia Area

The iBasement Systems and Crawl Space Systems Certificates were created using specific sets of criteria to provide a healthy indoor living environment. Air pollutants and excessive moisture levels in the basement or crawl space can negatively impact the odors in the home as well as cause health problems with those who live there year-round - including yourself!

We offer 6 levels of iBasement Certificate, and 5 levels Crawl Space Systems Certificate, each designed to solve specific problems and protect your home, family, and property value on the long run.

Basement Space System
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