Job completed for Nick M

Completion date: February 28, 2020

Location: Philadelphia, PA

Why did the customer contact us?

Nick a new south Philadelphia homeowner contacted us at Jamison Basement Waterproofing because his home inspection report recommended having a structural expert repair the sagging floors ..

Solutions provided:

Project Manager Steve C went out to take a look at the concerns the homeowners were having with the sagging floors and cracked floor joist . Steve told the homeowners you can usually remedy sagging problems yourself by “sistering” new joists alongside the existing ones (this also works for stiffening bouncy floors) Steve also recommendation was to add 3 new 4x4 support columns placed on 16x16 solid concrete footers ..

First crew Foreman Robert remove electrical cables, pipes and other obstructions. If this is difficult (it often is!), consult your local building inspector ...

If a crack or sag is isolated to one area, the sister joist should extend at least 3 ft. on both sides of the problem area. But it’s usually best to run the sister joist over the entire span. When the sagging joists are level, apply a generous bead of construction adhesive to the existing joist.

After we was all finish the clients noticed a big difference !

Team members on this project:

Steve Custus

Photos & Videos:

Sister joist repair
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Sister joist repair
Sister joist repair
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Sister joist repair
New 4x4 support post
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New 4x4 support post

iBasement Systems & Crawl Space Systems Certificates in the Philadelphia Area

The iBasement Systems and Crawl Space Systems Certificates were created using specific sets of criteria to provide a healthy indoor living environment. Air pollutants and excessive moisture levels in the basement or crawl space can negatively impact the odors in the home as well as cause health problems with those who live there year-round - including yourself!

We offer 6 levels of iBasement Certificate, and 5 levels Crawl Space Systems Certificate, each designed to solve specific problems and protect your home, family, and property value on the long run.

Basement Space System
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