Completion date: January 23, 2020
Location: North Wales, PA
The new North Wales homeowners contacted us at Jamison Basement Waterproofing because they were getting water in the basement at the corners where the downspout were on the outside .
The challenges we faced were extending all the downspouts under the front walkway which consist of having to cut through to solid concrete pads ...
Project manager Steve Custus went out to meet with the new homeowners . Steve went over with them how a basement leaks and the first steps to a having a dry basement is to get all the water away from the foundation by extending all the roof gutters to the rare of the yard and proper grading .. Project Manager Steve and his crew took about 7 hours to complete this project but the impact that it will have on the basement will be enormous ..
If your looking to get your downspouts extended away from your foundation please give us a call at Jamison Basement Waterproofing 215-885-2424
Steve Custus, Kareem Belton