Completion date: August 31, 2017
Location: Huntingdon Valley, PA
The new Huntingdon Valley homeowners were putting an offer in on their new potential dream home but when their home inspector recommended getting the basement inspected by a professional that's when their realtor told them to turn to the professionals at Jamison Basement Waterproofing.
Jamison basement Waterproofing has been in the business since 1989 so realtors in their clients contacted us daily when the run into listing with wet basements .
Certified Waterproofing specialist Steven Custus came out with a solution to meet the new potential buyers needs , he recommended a full Grate (closed ) Drainage system because we would also be installing a Radon mitigation as well. We also installed two new Grate Sump ( Closed Sump liners) with discharge lines 15ft to move water from the foundation of the home ..
Now the new homeowners have a Healthy Basement certificate to go with their new home which is a life warranty that's transferable to the next homeowners if in when they decide to sell ..